The start of a new year is a chance for people to start fresh...make new year resolutions...set new goals...and declutter their spaces.
For us, we decided to launch a monthly communal cleaning program in our six major markets, and hit the pavement to pickup the litter left behind.
The DTLR outreach team made a quick trip to their local hardware stores to grab trash pickers, heavy duty trash bags, gloves and masks and headed to their designated locations to make communities great again.
Organizations such as youth sports group, neighborhood associations, non-profits and other community partners joined us on this initiative.
Overall, over 40 bags of trash were collected and placed out for city waste management officials to pick up.
Residents of these neighborhood were elated to finally have a clean space to enjoy outdoors.
This day is the start of MANY, as we embark on monthly initiatives and renovations to our neighborhoods!
Dare To Live Right!!